
一提到英文写作, 很多同学们就会觉得很头疼. 在写作中, 大家经常出现的一个误区是把文章写的太”大”, 太”空”, 换句话说就是你的文章没有具体的细节支撑, 让人读起来感觉很空泛. 当出现这一情况的时候, 圆德建议大家从”小事物”开始练习写作, 尝试从一个”点”进行发散, 发掘出自己的观点, 然后再寻找适合的细节来支撑并进一步阐述, 最后把这些按照英文文章的格式进行组合, 一篇小文章就诞生啦!
下面是圆德优秀学生Kevin Jia同学的一篇文章, 希望能够给大家一定的启发! 这篇文章是关于他最喜欢的水果. 
My favorite fruit
    I like to eat all kinds of fruit, for example, green apples, oranges, watermelons, and mangoes. However, my favorite fruit is strawberry.  
   First of all, a strawberry is a small fruit, which is different from other fruit. The shape of a strawberry is very lovely and beautiful. Some strawberries are big and others are small, but their shapes are like a red shiny heart, round at the top and sharp at the bottom. A strawberry’s whole body is red. It seems to be wearing a red coat. It has green leaves on its head that look like a chic green hat. There are countless golden ‘sesame’ on its body that are its seeds. A strawberry feels hairy, and there is some thin and short hair on the whole body. The inside of the strawberry‘s body is bright pink. 
   Second, strawberries are delicious and sweet. Its flesh is very soft and delicate, and the juice is also very rich. It smells sweet, so that makes you feel happy. When you take a bite, you instantly feel a sweet and sour juice flowing through your tongue, leaving an endless aftertaste. I like all food made with strawberries-like ice creams, cakes, milkshakes, jams, and salads. 
   Finally, a strawberry is a good fruit for human health. It is rich in vitamin C, ten times higher than apples, bananas, and grapes. It also helps digestion and beauty. It has the reputation of “fruit Queen”, so I think all girls will like it.
   Strawberries are not only lovely and delicious, but also rich in vitamins, which are good for people’s health, so I like eating strawberries very much.
The Introduction is simple and straightforward but maintains the funnel shape. The body paragraphs are divided with a reason. The writing is delightful to read for the extent of the sensory details such as the “sesame” of seeds which I admit that I have never paid attention to. The conclusion summarizes the piece very well.
Whereas the writing could improve in terms of topic sentences and not to introducing new ideas at the ending, for a description, it is good.
关注圆德的小伙伴们, 是否也想试试写出像Kevin同学一样的”精致”文章呢? 那么就参加圆德的作文挑战吧! 欢迎各位同学给我们投稿”My favorite fruit”, 我们会从大家的文章中选出优秀作文进行点评并发表在我们的公众号上! 希望大家能够踊跃参与! 之后圆德会为大家带来更多学员的优秀文章, 希望关注圆德的小伙伴们能够互相学习, 共同进步!

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